How to Pay Online
You can pay your billing online at Practice Portal.
Enter the last name and first name as it is spelled on your statement.
Enter the statement # is listed under the summary of charges and beings with PS. Enter the number to include PS and the dash (example: PS-14629).
Statements are generated every 28 days. A new PS number is generated each time a statement is printed.
If you have questions regarding the bill you received from GlyCare, please contact our Corporate office at 904-372-3943 or by email at Billing@GlyCareDMP.com.
Customer Service Hours of Operation are from 7:00 am – 5:00 pm EST Monday- Friday
Understanding your statement
Below is a sample statement
Indicates the amount your insurance company paid
GlyCare will collect this amount from you, referred to as patient responsibility. A copay (or copayment) is a flat fee that you pay to cover your portion of the cost of a medical visit or medication. Your copay amount is printed right on your health plan ID card.
GlyCare will collect this amount from you, referred to as patient responsibility. A deductible is an amount you pay each year for most eligible medical services or medications before your health plan begins to share in the cost of covered services.
GlyCare will collect this amount from you, referred to as patient responsibility. Coinsurance is a portion of the medical cost you pay after your deductible has been met. Coinsurance is a way of saying that you and your insurance carrier each pay a share of eligible costs that add up to 100 percent.
The balance is the Charge minus Patient Payment minus Insurance Payment minus Adjustments plus copay plus coinsurance plus deductible. If the insurance company indicates that your plan has a copay, coinsurance, or a deductible, the dollar amount will be shown. These amounts are collected from the patient and consider patient responsibility.