Benefits of GlyCare Emily Arias Benefits of GlyCare Emily Arias

How GlyCare Can Help with Physician Burnout

Burnout is costing the U.S. approximately $4.6 billion yearly for costs related to physician turnover and reduced clinical hours. One senior VP recounts conducting root cause analyses after each serious adverse event and the responses from the healthcare teams always started out explaining how busy they were due to the high census. GlyCare can help provide healthcare teams relief and reduce their burdens through specialized diabetes care.

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Benefits of GlyCare Emily Arias Benefits of GlyCare Emily Arias

GlyCare Can Help Reduce 30-Day Readmission Rates

Hospitals are penalized by CMS for having too many hospital readmissions. In fiscal 2020, CMS will penalize approximately $563 million in payments to hospitals. Out of the hospitals evaluated, 83% will receive a penalty. This is an astounding amount, but it does not need to be this way. Glycemic abnormalities can lead to complications, which lends to readmission rates. With specialized glycemic management teams, GlyCare can help hospitals lower these rates.

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Benefits of GlyCare Emily Arias Benefits of GlyCare Emily Arias

How GlyCare Can Benefit Rural Hospitals

People who live in rural areas are more likely than urban residents to have higher rates of unhealthy behaviors and less access to healthy foods and health care. Rural populations also have higher rates of diabetes which we all know leads to higher rates and greater severity of heart disease and stroke among other complications. GlyCare can help reduce the shortage of medical specialties in rural areas with specialized diabetes care via virtual health.

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Benefits of GlyCare Emily Arias Benefits of GlyCare Emily Arias

How GlyCare Can Positively Impact COVID-19

Hospital censuses have currently taken an overall hit on non-COVID-19 patients. While not officially predicted, it only makes sense that the censuses will experience a dramatic increase once the coronavirus pandemic begins to settle down. Proactive planning is key to reducing morbidity, mortality, and other undesirable effects. Glycemic management teams like GlyCare can help reduce anticipated burdens on hospital physicians.

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How Glycare Can Positively Impact COVID-19

The United States currently has the most confirmed cases of COVID-19 (CDC, 2020). People with underlying health conditions such as diabetes are at a higher risk of experiencing serious complications from COVID-19 (NCIRD, 2020). Diabetes management groups, such as GlyCare, can help avoid or lessen such complications by managing the blood sugars of patients with diabetes.

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